宙楽(光)の建築 68






四角の建物や超高層ビルが悪いと言っている訳ではなく、事の大小は有りますが私達は色々なモノから影響を受けていて、特に人が作った物で建築物は その大きさ故に大きな影響を そこに住む人にも周りに与えます。


今でも多くの場所に残されていますが、特定の「カタチ」に触れたり滞在したりすると、百会や第三の目(所謂チャクラと呼ばれる部分)が自然と開くようになり、時として顕在意識より潜在意識が優位になる事があるので 、今まで聞こえなかった物や見えなかった物が見える様になったりします。



その内、人間か使っているのは電磁波や磁気波、音波、物質波、振動波、フエブ波、デッズ波など数種類から数十種類で、人間が持っている振動波だけでも2513X10の5乗ありますが、使っているのはたった10%も無く、私達は見ているモノ聞いているモノ 感じているモノが全てだと思い込んでいますが、上記の数の世界から見れば、ほぼ見えていない聞こえていない感じていないと言えるようです。

元々人間は精巧な受信装置が備わっていて、今までは顕在意識や思考が優位になり過ぎて邪魔をしていましたが、そのタガが外れると色々な波動と自然に繋がりやすくなり、洗練されてくるとチューニングが出来るようになる 若しくは、その時必要な波動と自然に繋がるようになります。


最近では物理学を極めた人達が気が付きはじめていて、量子物理学の世界では6つの世界まで確認出来ていて、彼等は最低でも13の世界まで見えてきていると言っています。 「それがどうした!」と言われればそれまでですが、私達は長きにわたり偏った世界に集中してきてバランス失った様に思います。


People are affected by various structures, cuts, blind things.

In a square of buildings, thought is said to be fixed and more easily and more inspiring.

Also, the laboratory of construction of large zenecon has a number of research data on the super high-rise architecture, and when it exceeds five floors above the ground, the growth of atopy dermatitis, and doubled to the 10th floor, 15 floors and the top. It is reported to be seen in a plant ecosystem, clearly from 300 meters around the super high building.

Instead of saying that a square building or a super-scraper building is not bad, we have a big deal of things, but we are affected by many things, especially people who are made and building around those who live there in that size.

That’s why I think it’s good to learn a little more about nature, or humble about the old man who once noticed it and make it consciously.

It is still left in many places, but if you touch or stay in certain “Katachi”, you will be able to open up with the 100th and third-called chakra (called chakra) as it can sometimes become a subconscious subconscious. You can see things you haven’t heard or what you haven’t seen.

It is a tendency for those who regard it as spiritual, spiritual, or those who are not permitted to be short-conscognized world of religion, but the experience becomes a very common thing, and once experienced once. It’s easy to say, like you grabbed the TU, or it automatically does.

In a slightly specific number, according to the Institute of the Formidal Institute, all things are made of waves ( vibrations ) and the number is a 100×25,000 riding? It is said that there is a number.

Its inhabitants are dozens of different types of electromagnetic waves, magnetic waves, waves, substances, vibrations, fibrations, and de waves, de waves, and even the vibrations that humans have are only 10%, but only 10% of them are using. Now, we believe that what we are listening to is everything we see, but from the above count of the above, we can say that it doesn’t seem to be able to hear it.

Originally human beings were equipped with elaborate recipient devices, so far, so far, the visible consciousness and thought has been too superior, but if it would be easier to connect with nature and nature when it is removed, you can tuning. Young and young, then lead to the necessary waves and nature.

When it comes to that condition, space and time sky will be transferred to nature in a world.

Recently, physicists are beginning to notice, and in the world of quantum physics, they are confirmed to six worlds, and they are seeing even 13 worlds at least. What about it? Until then, I think we have long focused on the world and lost balance.

To make that balance, I think that the architecture of light is going to help.