宙楽の建物を作る事で、一つのコミュニティが生まれ、それが自然と広がり街となり、自然界がそうであるように、有るべき所に有り、一つに繋がり全てのモノと調和した まるで曼荼羅世界の様になる。
Sora architecture, city of light (city planning)
By building a mandala building, a community is born, which naturally spreads and becomes a city, as if it were in the natural world, where it should be, connected to one, and in harmony with all things. It becomes like a mandala world.
At the beginning, the rotation begins with the three dragon buildings in the center, and spreads in a spiral like a galaxy.
The spiral moves slowly and with tremendous speed while giving birth and nurturing life.